A little over six (6) months ago, I left my Key Account Manager job at Paystack and joined the “unemployment” market, the journey so far has been everything and anything but a bed of roses, and it has made me realize a few things which I had never experienced:
- Never expect anything from anyone.
- All that glitters honestly and truly isn’t gold.
- Never stop believing in yourself.
- Only your family and genuine friends would rough it up with you.
- Most of all, hand everything over to God.
So what have i been up to?
One of my best friends got Married in December 2017 and I was part of the groomsmen. The wedding was a turnt up situation as we went on a road trip all the way to Akure to pick up “Our wife” (P.S don’t ask me for the road trip pictures)

Not long after the wedding, I decided to follow one of my passions and launch my food brand called “Bachelor On A Budget” (more details coming soon), Follow us on Instagram @BachOnABudget

Luckily we were booked for a birthday get together of 30 people and we went all out.

Last but definitely the most important, I rededicate myself to God.
What does the future hold?
I would be joining an amazing startup called DevCenter as a Business Development & Sales Consultant, really excited about this as we have a few exciting projects which we are working on.
Here is to the rest of the year and also to the new opportunities the year has to offer… Cheers!!!